As we have limited operating capacity, we encourage you to place your orders at our Online Shop for Cold delivery or Collection to ensure that the flavours/sizes/quantities you want are available.


We offer standard cold delivery and collection options for orders made through our Online Shop. Payments can be made via major credit cards.

  • Order by Saturday 11:59pm to have your order delivered on the same Sunday, 12pm - 6pm.

    Please ensure that your recipient is available at the delivery address to receive your order as our delivery agents can only wait for your recipient for a maximum of 5 minutes, so that other recipients can receive their orders cold and on time. Orders will be left at your recipient’s doorstep in the insulated delivery bags after the 5-minute waiting window. Please refrigerate immediately upon receipt.

    Kindly note that we are unable to accommodate specific-timing requests as orders are consolidated with routes scheduled in advance, so that we can reduce cold delivery costs for you!

    For faster and/or specific-timing delivery, kindly select “Next-day Cold Delivery” and contact us WhatsApp with your specific time request . A delivery agent will be specially engaged for your delivery. (subject to availability)

  • Order by 11:59pm to have your ordered delivered on the next day, 6pm - 10pm.

    For specific-timing requests, kindly WhatsApp us to arrange. Subject to availability - kindly contact us as early as possible to avoid any disappointments!

    Please ensure that your recipient is available at the delivery address to receive your order as our delivery agents can only wait for your recipient for a maximum of 5 minutes. Orders will be left at your recipient’s doorstep in the insulated delivery bags after the 5-minute waiting window. Please refrigerate immediately upon receipt.

  • Order online anytime, collect at our Physical Shop during our operating hours.

    Mon-Fri: 8pm - 11pm
    Sat-Sun: 2pm - 11pm

    Kindly present your order receipt (email) at 1 West Coast Dr, #01-K17 NEWest Mall, Singapore 128020 (our Physical Shop) for collection.

    You are encouraged to bring along a cooler bag for collection!


For takeaway purchases, we accept payment via Cash and/or Paylah/Paynow/Bank Transfer only.

  • Browse and takeaway at our Physical Shop!

    Address: 1 West Coast Dr, #01-K17 NEWest Mall, Singapore 128020

    Operating hours: Mon-Fri: 8pm - 11pm / Sat-Sun: 2pm - 11pm

    You are encouraged to bring along a cooler bag for Takeaway!

    We are unable to entertain reservation requests - kindly check our Online Shop for stock availability before heading down, or order online for Collection to ensure that what you want is available!


Kindly WhatsApp or email us if you require any special arrangements. Requests are subject to availability and charges apply where relevant.

  • If you prefer to order via WhatsApp for Delivery/Collection, kindly contact us for assistance!

    Kindly note that payment must be made in full and upfront, via PayNow/Bank Transfer only. We do not offer a Cash-On-Delivery (COD) option.

    Subject to availability: kindly inform us as early as possible to avoid any disappointments.

  • Kindly email us or fill in our contact form with your event requirements and we will be able to advise you on our offerings!

    Kindly note that full payment is required upfront in order for us to commence production.

    We look forward to serving you!